BSDU organizes Expert Workshop on Benefits of the Patent Filing Process


Jaipur, Bhartiya Skill Development University is known for skilling youth by adopting and modifying its curriculum based on industry requirement. Bhartiya Skill Development University (BSDU) With an aim to garner greater awareness and hands-on understanding of the patent filing process among the faculty, trainer and research scholar of the university, School of Entrepreneurship Skills organized an expert workshop Understanding the Patent Filing Process.  Govind Sharma, Ex. Chief, NRDC, New Delhi was the chief guest along with Dr. Achintya Choudhury, Vice Chancellor, BSDU, Dr. Ravi Goyal, Principal, School of Entrepreneurship Skills, BSDU and official of Bhartiya Skill Development University.

The main objective of the workshop is to spread awareness about the legal rights being provided to the individual/ company/ firm by getting registered with patent. Govind Sharma, Ex. Chief, NRDC, New Delhi, said the various facet of the patent filing process and what needs to consider before the commercialization of one’s invention. He also share the market problem and how to make easy process for their project related issue.

Prof. Achintya Choudhury, President BSDU said, India being the huge monopolistic market needs to spread awareness about the rights that are given to every individual at their personal level. A patent plays a vital role by safeguarding individual’s invention. Value of R&D activities in university grows with every innovation and patent they filled and urged all participants to make full use of this workshop. He also appreciated the initiative of the School of Entrepreneurship Skills in organizing such a workshop for the university community.

Prof Ravi K Goyal, Principal SES and Director Admission, BSDU said, the objective of the workshop on Patent Filing Process is to let students know about the techno-legal document providing the industrially applicable policies, inventions and right to the public. He also thanked all the participants and committed that SES will be organizing a similar event in near future to help and develop the ecosystem of entrepreneurship and innovation in the campus.

Bhartiya Skill Development University already has School of Entrepreneurship Skills so students can have a gateway to the world of entrepreneurs. It works with a mission to impart research-led quality knowledge, technical skills and Hands-on-training in the area of Entrepreneurship Skills with a personal approach in an international setting. They do timely organize various workshops, seminars, events, international internship to help their students stay updated about the latest occurring of the industry.

About Bhartiya Skill Development University (BSDU)

The Bhartiya Skill Development University (BSDU) is a unique skill development university in India that was established in 2016 with a vision to create global excellence in skill development by creating opportunities, space and scope for the development of talents of Indian youth and by making them globally fit.

Under the leadership and thought process of Dr. Rajendra Kumar Joshi and his wife Mrs. Ursula Joshi from Switzerland on the lines of ‘Swiss-Dual-System’ of on the job training and education. BSDU is an education venture under the Rajendra and Ursula Joshi Charitable Trust. The Rajendra and Ursula Joshi (RUJ) Group have invested over Rs.500 crores to establish this university with 36 skill schools by the end of 2020.

The idea was to bring the Swiss system of skill development to India, thus, the father of modern skill development in India, Dr. Rajendra Joshi and his wife Mrs. Ursula Joshi formed the ‘Rajendra and Ursula Joshi Foundation’ in 2006 in Wilen, Switzerland and started working in this direction.

The objective of BSDU is to support, promote and undertake the advancement of the high quality skill education leading to Certificates, Diplomas, Advance Diplomas and undergraduate, postgraduate, doctoral and post–doctoral degrees in the fields of different skills and offer opportunities for research, advancement and dissemination of knowledge.